Saturday, August 05, 2006

All of a sudden…

I’m hurt…I’m really hurt today.
Though Doctors can transplant heart, I believe that a shattered heart can never get repaired!
I never get hurt of rejections in life as cheats do. I feel myself cheated again but it’s as usual as my constipation problem – there’s no need to complain about it.
People get cheated here-n-there, every now-n-then in life – nothing new to shout at.
Moreover, I really feel a pain about the way, the system operates around us. Every operating system has flaws n bugs – you know it well (Even the one that I’m using at this computer – Windows) no matter how good it’s programmed!

Crap happens always but sometimes- all of a sudden! – making it more severe then it’d have been otherwise. You work for something for hours or days or months – sincerely n then all of a sudden, u just get fired – out of the things!
Do you wonder, if there’s any system in this world? I see a total chaos! And if there’s some system n you believe that there’s someone who runs it then I’d like to say that it looks like a boxer is programming a computer!
But why should I cry out?
Coz I think there’s an equal liability on all of us to let go things awry. Coz we don’t speak what is wrong and what is right. Coz we don’t have a science student approach of asking ‘what-why-n-how?’

We all know about public organizations, now its turn for private companies as well. Now-a-days there are a lot of companies in India as a result of globalization n liberalization – International n Indian as well. There are also a lot of people looking for jobs. So now there’s no code of conduct for these companies yet. No ethical business practices they r implementing in their processes at all. Apart from that, all other kind of services n professionals r also not bound by any of their professional ethics.

A company screens ur profile n ask u to appear in its interview process, n give an appointment in odd timings like 6:30 p.m., you have a four hour bus journey, reach their place, n the guard outside the main gate tells u to stay there, talk over phone to the concerned person n tells u that ‘sir is very busy. There won’t be any interview today. You need to wait till day after tomorrow.’ You stay in that city for this much of time n the-day-after-tomorrow-morning only to know that it’ll be at 7:30 p.m. today, n at 5 p.m. again ur consultant tells u that it couldn’t be arranged that day n u can leave for ur city, we’ll call u again. After a week u go thru some of their telephonic rounds n finally called for an interview, n like this you go through their one-month-many-a-round long process, they finalize you, congrat you on selection n then ask u to wait until their director come back from a business trip to sign the appointment letter. After a fifteen-day-long-yes, their HR is not ready to speak to u, n finally receptionist tells you (after a number of calls) that 'ur profile is rejected' as if they screen a profile after getting someone selected! Consultant enquires n tells u that the company couldn’t get the project from US for which they'd selected u. Is anyone there to ask them – why do they preplan things if they are not capable of managing them?

One of my cousins (having much demanded ‘consistently-good-academic-record’) with a degree in Electronics told me that an MNC rejected herself after an interview coz she is a girl n they don’t wanna recruit girls in hardcore engineering section( the dream field to work for her) as one of her acquaintances in that company, revealed her. The question is ‘Why did they let girls interviewed’, perhaps to earn the repute of being an Equal Opportunity Employer. What do you think – girls r only meant to become good school teachers, nurses or to smile at reception desks?

Can someone control many a malpractices like this?

Damn! these companies n their recruitment processes! Hey! Bio guys!, there’s a brand new species of human being that have ‘Humanity Resistance’ power in them –they r called ‘HR’ people.(Hey! I wanna tell u one thing if u r preparing for an interview – they ask u one damn question always- ‘Tell me about yourself’. Here’s a tip – just keep ur answer to their point – ur experience n skills thru which u could serve for them. Don’t tell about your family or hobbies – until asked. By the way, when you’ll be forced to work without watching the clock, you’ll hardly find time to have n share feelings with ur family. Don’t take it as serious or as vague as much-queried-by-philosophers question ‘who am I?’)

Sometimes its technology n sometimes its life that makes me write this blog! n this blog says me - move on!!
By-da-way, thanx for reading this blog! Sometimes it looks that a blog is a person itself telling its story. And like many ones never-read-but-always-written blogs( or man?) , this’d have been untold as well, if u won’t have come to read this blog. Thanx again!

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