Tuesday, August 15, 2006

.mobi – Get ready to get on the mobinet

“.mobi” is the latest tld –top level domain (like .com – u r much familiar with) for websites intended for use on mobile devices.
Yeah…u might think that u can visit websites on mobile even today as well, then what’s the need for a new domain? Ok, then tell me how often do u surf web thru ur mobile device? Not much now, coz its not easy to locate URLs or website addresses on mobile n it’s a tiresome thing to navigate web pages on a 2-3 inch screen. Right?
.mobi is intended to achieve good user experiences on mobile-web enabled devices.
It’ll fulfill the need to make mobile devices as useful as a PC for browsing n it’ll definitely make the navigation scheme on mobile-web much user-friendly.
As globally, four mobile phones are sold for every one PC, there’s a need for web-apps to go mobile.
The official – mTLD’s .mobi website says:
“dotMobi is the first – and only – top level domain dedicated to delivering the Internet to mobile devices. dotMobi will revolutionize the use of the Internet on mobile devices. dotMobi is designed to guide mobile users to made-for-mobile Internet content and services that can be accessed with confidence.”

With mobile Web surfing growing more and more popular – by 2008, 1.3 billion people are expected to be connected to the Internet via cell phones, according to research firm GSM Association, it seems quite natural to standardize format for mobile-web domain names. Now u’ll be able to access a company’s website for mobile by ‘companyname.mobi’. All these .mobi sites will have the XHTML-MP pages.

Don’t rush man! It’s ‘sunrise’ period that means only registered trademark owner organizations can go for it. General registration is scheduled to open to everyone on 26 September.By the way, it sounds cute - .mobi, isn't it?

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